




In this Keynote address, I will begin by discussing the shared and differentiating components of rigid/extreme and flexible/non-extreme attitudes. Then, I will discuss a number of methods that I have developed to help REB therapists achieve key tasks in the therapeutic process. First, I will discuss 'Windy's Magic Question' (WMQ) which I devised to help therapists assist clients in identifying the adversity at 'A' in the REBT process. Second, I will discuss 'Windy's Review Assessment Procedure' (WRAP) which I devised to help therapists identify a client's rigid/extreme attitudes and flexible/non-extreme attitudes at the same time. Finally, I will discuss 'Windy's Choice-Based Method of Examining Attitudes' which I devised to help therapists assist clients to stand back and examine both sets of attitudes at the same time. 


<講師>ウィンディ・ドライデン Prof. Windy Dryden

ロンドン大学ゴールドスミス校 心理療法学科 名誉教授

バーミンガム大学、イーストロンドン大学、ウェストミンスター大学、ロンドンメトロポリタン大学 客員教授

英国心理学会 特別会員



1975 バーミンガム・アストン大学カウンセリング講師

1985 ロンドン大学ゴールドスミス校に移る

1992 同校で英国最初のカウンセリング教授となる








